Below taxi fare for Udaipur to Kota route, is for one side cab, return trip & self drive fare.
Looking to book a taxi in Udaipur to visit Agra? Then have a look at our Udaipur to Agra taxi package
This page also contains Udaipur Agra trip details such as driving distance, all routes to reach Agra, places to visit on route, sightseeing attractions in Agra, Agra best hotels, places near Agra.
Below we have of vehicles including Sedan, SUVs and Coaches for the above mentioned services please have a look at them and then contact us at +91 9828229363.
Mid Size Economy Car (AC)
Passengers: 3+1
Mid Size Economy Car (AC)
Passengers: 3+1
Luxury Car (AC)
Passengers: 5+1
Luxury Car (AC)
Passengers: 5+1
Luxury Tempo Traveller
Passengers: 9+1
28 Seater Luxury Bus
Passengers: 27+1